Annals of Emerging Technologies in Computing (AETiC)

Paper #20                                                                           

A Unified Conceptual Model for Data Warehouses

Shreya Banerjee, Sourabh Bhaskar, Anirban Sarkar and Narayan C. Debnath

Abstract: These days, NoSQL (Not only SQL) databases are being used as a deployment tool for Data Warehouses (DW) due to its support for dynamic and scalable data modeling capabilities. Yet, decision-makers have faced several challenges to accept it as a major choice for implementation of their DW. The most significant one among those challenges is a lack of common conceptual model and a systematic design methodology for different NoSQL databases. The objective of this paper is to resolve these challenges by proposing an ontology based formal conceptual model for NoSQL based DWs. These proposed concepts are capable of realizing the cube concepts for visualization of multi-dimensional data in NoSQL based DW solutions. In this context, two strategies are specified, implemented and illustrated using a case study for devising of the proposed conceptual model.

Keywords: Conceptual Model; MongoDB based Implementation; NoSQL Data Warehouse; Ontology-driven Model.

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