Paper #1
Vulnerabilities Mapping based on OWASP-SANS: A Survey for Static Application Security Testing (SAST)
Jinfeng Li
Abstract: The delivery of a framework in place for secure application development is of real value for application development teams to integrate security into their development life cycle, especially when a mobile or web application moves past the scanning stage and focuses increasingly on the remediation or mitigation phase based on static application security testing (SAST). For the first time, to the author’s knowledge, the industry-standard Open Web Application Security Project (OWASP) top 10 vulnerabilities and CWE/SANS top 25 most dangerous software errors are synced up in a matrix with Checkmarx vulnerability queries, producing an application security framework that helps development teams review and address code vulnerabilities, minimise false positives discovered in static scans and penetration tests, targeting an increased accuracy of the findings. A case study is conducted for vulnerabilities scanning of a proof-of-concept mobile malware detection app. Mapping the OWASP/SANS with Checkmarx vulnerabilities queries, flaws and vulnerabilities are demonstrated to be mitigated with improved efficiency.
Keywords: Application Security; Checkmarx; Malware Detection; OWASP Top 10; SANS Top 25; Static Application Security Testing; Vulnerability Mapping.