Annals of Emerging Technologies in Computing (AETiC)

Paper #4                                                                             

Two-tier Blockchain Timestamped Notarization with Incremental Security

Alessio Meneghetti, Armanda O. Quintavalle, Massimiliano Sala and Alessandro Tomasi

Abstract: Digital notarization is one of the most promising services offered by modern blockchain-based solutions. We present a digital notary design with incremental security and cost reduced with respect to current solutions. A client of the service receives evidence in three steps. In the first step, evidence is received almost immediately, but a lot of trust is required. In the second step, less trust is required, but evidence is received seconds later. Finally, in the third step evidence is received within minutes via a public blockchain.

Keywords: Blockchain (BC); Notarization; Provable security; Cryptography.

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