Annals of Emerging Technologies in Computing (AETiC)

Paper #3                                                                             

A Technique to Measure Students’ Mental Approach using Web and Game Based E-Learning Application

Awais K. Jumani, Mashooque A. Memon and Muneer A. Kartio

Abstract: With the advent of E-Learning (Electronic Learning) and M-Learning (Mobile Learning), many educational software or tools have been developed, a major part of which are game-based applications. Even though, most of which are freely available on the web, there are only few intuitions make practical and effective use of these learning applications. Because these applications utilises various elements of multimedia such as audio, video, image and animation, they help visualise the learning materials and hence have higher span of at attention. To investigate the effect of web and game based E-Learning and M-Learning, an experiment was conducted amongst the students of three different schools in Pakistan and the results were analysed. The results of our research reveal that utilisation of such web and game based learning tools are much more effective compared to the traditional teaching methods without applying any ICT (Information and Communication Technology) tools.

Keywords: Game Based Learning; Game Design; E-Learning; M-Learning; Graphical User Interface.

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